
Our spirit artifacts tell more about ourselves than our confessions.

Τρίτη 9 Ιουλίου 2024



Dear Readers,

I’m overjoyed to share that my blog, Artifact Spirit, has reached a significant milestone: 100.000 views!! I am beyond grateful and excited to share this moment with all of you.

Reflecting on the journey, it feels like just yesterday that I started this blog. The decision to dive into this creative endeavor has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Every post, every idea shared and every interaction has shaped Artifact Spirit into what it is today.

Hitting 100.000 views is not just a number; it’s a reminder that the thoughts I share resonate with you and that’s the most rewarding part of this entire journey. I am deeply grateful for your time, trust and engagement.

To all my readers, whether you’ve been here since the beginning or joined along the way, thank you for being with me as I navigate the complexities of the topics I hold dear. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, ideas and insights. Your presence here encourages me to keep experimenting, to delve deeper and to bring forth content that challenges our perspectives and sparks meaningful conversations.

Here's to many more milestones, more posts and more shared experiences. Thank you for being a part of Artifact Spirit!

Vasiliki Dragouni

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