
Our spirit artifacts tell more about ourselves than our confessions.

Τετάρτη 17 Ιουλίου 2024




The Angelus Novus by Vasiliki Dragouni collects a first part of narrative focused mainly on the investigation set in a museum of artefacts from various eras and of various genres. The protagonist Paul Lansky, who since he was a child had wanted to be an investigator in that museum that he had visited several times, is called to investigate to solve the problem of thefts. Following this assignment, Paul Lansky becomes aware of particularly interesting events.

In the second part dedicated to poetry, Vasiliki Dragouni expresses the best of herself by touching on various topics regarding the social and environmental problems typical of our times, putting us in front of our responsibilities.

The choice to have her texts translated and published in seven languages is dictated by the author's desire to address a very large audience to make her thoughts known. She therefore wishes readers a good read, in the hope of having contributed, at least in part, to giving cause for reflection on the various problems.

Giovanni Campisi

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